

Blending art with science
for better quality and sustainability.


From the very early beginnings for Santa Margarita Water District, we’ve been committed to leveraging new and emerging technologies and engineering capabilities to push the boundaries of what is possible. From benchmark projects like repurposing Trampas Reservoir for the next era of sustainable supply, to leveraging new and emerging practices like groundwater recapture, we push the boundaries of sustainable water sourcing. We do this to enable growth in our communities, and to ensure a reliable supply of water for generations to come.

Emergency Storage -
Upper Chiquita Reservoir

A pillar of resiliency for the area, the Upper Chiquita Reservoir was built to enhance local water supply reliability, serving as a vital resource during planned or unanticipated water delivery disruptions in the district. With its environmentally sensitive design, the 244-million gallon reservoir was completed in October 2011, and is the first, large-scale emergency potable water reservoir built in decades in Orange County.

Trampas Reservoir -
California’s Largest

Holding about 1.6 billion gallons of water, Trampas is the largest surface water reservoir in south Orange County and helps us use 100% of our community’s wastewater for irrigation, building regional sustainability and resiliency. Featuring three dams, the award-winning engineering marvel is a statement to SMWD’s commitment to sustainability and innovation.

Innovative Gardening: The Waterworks Garden

Santa Margarita’s living laboratory is where we test out innovative, water-saving gardening practices that will help the district implement beautiful, water-saving landscaping practices.

More than Storage: 
Lake Mission Viejo

A historic construction, Lake Mission Viejo became the first recreational lake in the state to use advanced treated water for refill. With this system, we save more than 100 million gallons annually of drinking water for other uses.